
How to get rid of Pimples


In this post we will discuss How to get rid of Pimples. In this article we will discuss the following:
  1. Definition of Acne
  2. Factors Cause Acne
  3. How to get rid of Acne
  4. Better to Prevent Than Treat
Let's discuss them one by one.

1. Definition of Acne

Pimples is a skin problem that occurs when the hair follicle or hair growth is blocked by oil and dead skin cells. This condition is generally characterized by the appearance of spots on several body parts, such as the face, neck, back, and chest.

Although acne can be experienced by anyone, but most cases of acne occur during puberty, which is in adolescents aged 10-13 years, and getting worse in people with oily skin.

Acne in adolescents will generally disappear by itself at the age of 20 years. But in some cases, there are still those who experience acne problems until the age of 30 years, especially women.

2. Factors Cause Acne

The onset of acne on the face can be caused by the following factors:
  • Excess sebum production. Sebum is a substance produced by oil glands to prevent dry skin.
  • Blockage of hair follicles. Acne appears when the hair follicles are blocked by a mixture of dead skin cells and sebum.
  • Bacteria. Propionibacterium acnes can develop and clog hair follicles, and cause inflammation.
  • Hormone. The onset of acne on the face generally occurs due to a surge in the estrogen hormone in women. These compounds usually increase before menstruation, pregnancy or when someone enters puberty. When the estrogen hormone increases, the oil glands and pores on the skin are increasingly open which makes you prone to acne and bacteria.
  • Clogged follicles can swell and form white blackheads or blackheads when exposed to the outside world. This condition should not be underestimated, because it can develop into pustules, papules, nodules, or even cysts, if contaminated with skin bacteria.
  • Descent. Someone from a family with problems with acne is more at risk of experiencing acne.
  • Stressful. Although stress does not cause acne, it can worsen existing acne conditions.
  • Take medications, such as the use of lithium, corticosteroids, or anticonvulsant drugs.
  • Use of cosmetics.
  • Smoke.

3. How to get rid of Acne

For those of you who have a serious problem with acne, "How to" has several ways you can count on eliminating acne problems. Let's read "How to get rid of Pimples":
a. Garlic
The next way to get rid of zits and scars is to use garlic. The antibacterial and antibiotic content in the white is believed to be effective in removing acne and scars. Even garlic can eliminate acne types of nodules or pimples.
In addition to the relatively cheap price, this method of removing pimples with garlic is very easy to use. First, prepare enough garlic and peel it clean. Then mash the garlic until smooth.

After that, apply the fine garlic to the area of ​​your pimpled face. Let stand until it dries or approximately 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. Use this method to remove stone pimples with onions 3 times a week so that the recalcitrant does not appear again.

b. Cucumber
Besides being delicious as a salad, it turns out the cucumber that is made into a mask is one way to get rid of pimples and scars. This one fruit is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, pottasium, magnesium, and potassium. Therefore, cucumbers effectively reduce your acne swelling and eliminate scars.

How to treat it is quite easy and simple. The first step is to prepare cucumbers that have been washed clean. Then slice it into thin pieces and paste it on the entire face or acne area.

After that, leave it for about 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water to clean. For maximum results, use this treatment twice a week.

c. Lemon and Honey
Lemon and Honey
Lemon and Honey
Using lemon and honey. How to get rid of zits and scars is also very easy.

First, prepare the lemon and cut it into two parts. Squeeze the lemon, then mix the water with honey.
After that, apply it with a clean cotton mixture of lemon and honey on the face area with acne. Let stand until it dries or approximately 15 minutes. For more satisfying results, repeat this method 3 times a week

d. Avoid High Fatty Processed Foods
Not only from outside, acne can also arise from internal factors such as eating processed foods, junk food, dairy products, and high-fat foods. Because these foods can be one of the triggers for new problems in your skin with acne. Expand to consume healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and wheat so that your body gets good and balanced nutrition.

4. Better to Prevent Than Treat

Basically, there are many things that trigger the recalcitrant growth on your beautiful face. One of them is rarely cleaning your face.

However, it does not mean that cleaning your face too often is good for your skin's health, huh. Cleansing the ideal face is 2 times a day, which is on the morning before the activity and the night before going to bed. For that you need to regularly clean your face so that the skin disease on your face does not appear again.

As the saying goes, it's better to prevent than cure, right? So keep your face clean on a regular basis so you can prevent the appearance of those irritating pimples.

If indeed your face has already been blotchy, try to use the treatments above. You can choose one treatment depending on the type of acne you have. Be sure to routinely use it, so that your face can return to smooth like a baby's skin.

Hopefully the above tips can restore your face smoothness, huh! Good luck!

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