
How to Make Tasty Fresh Drinks (es Dawet)

How to Make Tasty Fresh Drinks (es Dawet)
 Es Dawet
Es Dawet
This one drink is really good if you drink it in the afternoon, just when it's hot. Quickly, with coconut milk and Java sugar added with ice cubes, hmmmm, good.

Material is easy to find, how to make it is not as difficult as you thought. Directly prepare the paint for the material and how to make or take your smartphone and go directly to the market. Ok, immediately focus on our discussion ...

  1. 130 gr Rice flour
  2. 200 ml of pandanus juice (sediment) if it's not available, just use the pandanus paste or according to taste
  3. 2 tablespoons Sago
  4. 1/2 tsp Salt
  5. 800 ml of boiled water
Coconut Sauce:
  1. 300 ml of Santan
  2. 2 lbr Pandanus concludes
  3. Salt
Red Sugar Sauce:
  1. 300 gr red sugar comb
  2. 2 lbr Pandan leaves conclude
  3. 3 tablespoons sugar
  4. 500 ml of water
How to make
the steps form cendol
the steps form cendol

  1. Coconut sauce: Cook all the ingredients while stirring constantly, the coconut milk doesn't break, set aside
  2. Brown sugar sauce: Cook all ingredients until the sugar dissolves, strain and set aside
  3. Dawet: prepare a container filled with water and ice cubes, set aside
  4. Put all the ingredients in the pan then stir well, cook over medium heat until it becomes a thick dough and emit bubbles that erupt, lift and print on the sandalwood mold if there is none you can use the piping bag or plastic kilo then cut the edges and spray into the container ice Cube
  5. Serve with coconut milk sauce, brown sugar and ice cubes
Ok buddy, so we discuss about "How to Make Tasty Fresh Drinks (es Dawet)", hopefully it's useful and good luck ...

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